Lately, after her nap, she wants me to pile ALL of her stuffed animals into the bed with her. Then, when she gets out, we play with her piggy bank and then she gets out all of her play jewelry, puts them on, then has to go look in the mirror. Very pretty girl.
She's becoming quite the little talker. She'll repeat almost anything you say, or at least try. More than talking, really, she sings and sings and sings! She'll sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Do you know the Muffin man, Daisy Daisy, Happy Birthday, I'm a Little Teapot and many others. Sometimes she surprises me and sings something I didn't know where she learned. She also LOVES the turtle and beehive songs from music class that have actions to go along with them. As for actual talking, her favorite word right now is Okay. No matter what you ask, she'll say okay, whether she means it or not! :) I'm glad she's not one of those kids that says NO all of the time. In fact, she never does! It's always okay! :) She also likes to say daddy stinky. She has even segued into Mama stinky and Kaelyn stinky. Nice, I know. When she has gas she'll say, I had a little toot. That's pretty cute. And sitting at supper the other night, she made a real mess and she held up her hands and said I'm a mess!! She was right. :) So she's definitely learning her words and she understands EVERYTHING.
We still try to hit the zoo every week and it seems like we see something different everytime we go. We only got to see the polar bear swim once this year, so far though. And the sloth still hasn't moved. Kaelyn's new favorite thing is the jungle trail in the basement of the jungle. We went there once with a friend and now we have to go everytime. We never bothered before because it's impossible to push a stroller through there. Now, we abandon the stroller and she just walks.
As for potty training, it's going surprisingly well. I thought it was going to be really hard because she seemed traumatized over it. In the evening, I let her wander around nude hoping to catch her. She stopped wanting to just go anywhere, but without a diaper on, she didn't know WHERE to go. She would have to go SO badly and just walk circles crying and crying. You could tell she was in pain. This kid is amazing, she can hold it for HOURS. I'm not kidding, she's gone 5-6 hours before naked without going! I can't even go that long! :) So after awhile I just had to force her to sit on the potty and she would go. The first few times it was a HUGE deal and she was not happy about it in the least. But we'd party and give her a treat and make a big deal about it. This last week we were at my parents house and we got out a potty chair there. She was traumatized a few times, but then started to like it. She started to sit down on her own, even! She still wanted me to be RIGHT there and hold her hand, but she was doing really well. Once we got home, it was almost like a game. She wanted to go ALL the time. I'm not kidding, she went 17 times in one 20 minute span. But she always went a few drops so we'd have a party and go through the big rigomorale. Last night, though, she sat on it a few times and went big so that was good. And yesterday morning, she sat on it twice just to toot. Then wanted me to flush it. :) So I think she's doing really well. I keep a diaper on her when we go out and during her nap and overnight, but I think she's headed in the right direction.
We're glad for fall and cooler weather but we sure don't look forward to winter. I don't want to be stuck inside! KAelyn LOVES parks and the zoo and all things outdoors. Even just playing outside at home is a nice option to have. What do you do!