Saturday, May 21, 2011

Classic Cars at the Hot Rod Cafe

If you love classic cars of all kinds, you will love dining at the Hot Rod Cafe. Based around the theme of muscle cars and find classic's, you can find your place at a table, booth or bar seat and watch the fun on a Friday night. This is the official meeting time for classic cars and car lovers from around the area. They gather together to show off the cars and treasure they have worked hard to restore and create into a show classic piece. Once you are inside and ready to order, you can view a piece of car classic history with the half car on the wall, seats made from car sets and pictures of patrons from throughout the years. You will find a certain history to this crazy, but fun restaurant and the food is great. Served in the classic 1950's style with a very adult twist, the food is good, there is plenty of it and you can even order a beer to go with your meal. Try one of the combination starters before your meal arrives and enjoy other car lovers and friends for the evening. I set my securitychoice home security alarm before leaving and know the other treasure and classic I own will be safe until I return. This is really the place to be on a Friday night, when you can see classic cars of all kinds and view your own small car show.

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