My mom and I took Kaelyn to the zoo yesterday, believe it or not. The zoo was much busier and her stroller nap was very restless. Perhaps that is why she slept for almost an hour and a half yesterday afternoon. Even if she was mostly in the crawling position as you can see from this picture. Ready to go at any moment! She must roll over and attempt to get up but fall back asleep too fast. I often find her this way when I look in during her naps.
I'm hoping she isn't too hot now. I slept in short sleeves and shorts with no covers last night but she still has on her pjs AND sleep sack. Poor thing might be a bit sweaty when she gets up! It's hard to know. The temperature is the same as it has been in here all year but with it being warmer outside it just FEELS warmer in here too.
My mom and I were talking that it seems Kaelyn is more into "hold me, carry me" lately. I had noticed that this past week and my mom said it was the same when she watched her. It used to be when I'd make supper I'd put the kitchen timer on for 5 minutes or whatever and Kaelyn and I would play during that time. When the timer went off I'd go flip the chicken or whatever, set the timer again, then we'd play more. This week, though, during that time of day she will NOT let me put her down. I have to carry her around the WHOLE time I cook, which is not easy on the arms and not easy for the cooking either! And other times of day too, she'll be happily playing outside in the rocks and then just reach up to me and insist I pick her up. The good part is, I'm growing muscle mass on a daily basis! The bad part is I don't want to carry her around all the time, I don't NEED to because she's a good walker/crawler, and my arms can't take it!
Kaelyn did have another tooth break through a couple of days ago so part of me wonders if it's that. Or maybe it's just a new phase. She's mastered walking so now she doesn't have to practice that all the time. Now is she trying to master having me carry her? I thought we perfected that a long time ago!
Just a couple of weeks away from her first birthday, I can't believe it! Next weekend we'll celebrate with my family. The following weekend with Sean's family and on her actual birthday weekend Sean and I will have her to ourselves. We thought about having one big party on her birthday but she's pretty frightened in big crowds with lots of people giving her attention at once so we thought it might be more pleasant for her to do it in small segments. Spread it out a little! And it might be nicer for those attending because they'll have more time with Kaelyn over having a large group all wanting her at the same time. So hopefully she enjoys both parties and it works out well. We didn't want to have either party on her birthday because that wouldn't be fair to the OTHER family so we ended up with her birthday to ourselves. That'll be nice too. No one else was there when she was born, anyways! Maybe we'll go to the zoo! :) We'll see!
Last year at this time I was MAJORLY pregnant and SO hoping Kaelyn would NOW! Everyday I'd go in to work and people would say, what are you DOING here?! And I'd be like, well, I'm still pregnant aren't I! I only ended up missing one day of work. I was scheduled to have my water broken on Monday the 27th and so I KNEW I wouldn't be going back to work after Friday. But Kaelyn decided it was time on Thursday the 23rd and arrived on Friday the 24th (at 12:01am) so I missed work on Friday. I was glad because I'd wrapped everything up on Thursday anyways and probably would have been bored. And uncomfortable!!! But I'd been uncomfortable for a month or more by then. And MAJORLY uncomfortable for the last week of it. But here she is, finally sleeping better at night, almost a year old, running all over the place, "talking" up a storm, and monopolizing all of my time and energy. And she's worth it all. People always say that. And it's true.
Have a great Easter! Kaelyn has been playing with easter eggs for weeks now. Hopefully I can interest her in them this weekend for one final go around!!
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