I've decided I really need to set a date and stick to it. A date to stop feeding Kaelyn in the middle of the night. Maybe even send my husband in to comfort her instead of my going so she CAN'T eat. She can't even EXPECT to eat. She's 10 months old, I know she doesn't NEED to. Two night ago she got up at 9:45 and my husband went in and she went back to sleep till 3. Last night she got up at 12:15 and I went in and patted her and she seemed to go back to sleep but was up again at 12:45 at which time I fed her because I SO wanted to go back to sleep. This kid is a problem sleeper, I tell you! She has me well trained, I guess.
I don't think I wrote about our two-bath-before-breakfast incident last week. When Kaelyn gets up in the morning I nurse her, then I put her in her stroller and she watches me get ready. Then I eat breakfast and give her a bath. She LOVES bathtime. I take her pjs off and she stands at the side of the tub while I fill it (sometimes tinkling on the floor, yes) just GIGGLING and squealing in anticipation. She splashes and plays and has a great time in the bath. After her bath I wrap her up in her towel and she just lays there SO still. It's the most still-time she has ALL day. Including sleep as you can see from the above example. I put lotion on her, diapered her, put on fresh clothes, combed her hair, we were good to go. We went downstairs and started our day of play. She grunted around a bit so I was pretty sure she had dirtied her diaper. Doesn't that figure! JUST after her bath, I thought. I had no idea what an ordeal it would be. I took her pants off, peaked in the diaper...uh oh. It was one of those "up the back and around the corner" diapers. It was on the onesie. So I had to completely change her. ONce I got the diaper off, though I realized how far up the onesie the nastiness went. Great, JUST after a bath! I took the onesie off VERY unsuccessfully. How so? Well, because she ended up with poop not only above the diaper line but all the way from the diaper line to her neck...and into her hair. I got out a wipe and started wiping and then thought, this is going to take a WHOLE package of wipes and she still won't be clean. It was THAT big of a mess. So I wrapped her in the blanket she was laying on so I didn't get it all over ME and we went back to the tub. I held her in the blanket while filling the tub so she didn't get it all over the bathroom as well. While the tub was filling, though, she tinkled all over me. What a morning. SO she got her second bath, her second pair of clothes (oh by the way, I put her in the bathtub with her socks still ON, the only things that were still clean!) her second diaper, the whole works. All BEFORE she even ate breakfast. Then after she was cleaned up I had to completely change my clothes because I was soaked from the tinkle incident. And then we started the laundry to wash all the nastiness off of all the clothes. The onesie I had to wash TWICE. And it's STILL stained. Good times good times! The good news in all that was that Kaelyn didn't yell at me throughout the whole thing! I think she kind of enjoyed the extra bath!
Back to sleeping, everyone tells me someday she'll sleep. I keep thinking I know I know, but WHEN?! I wonder if stopping the nursing at night will help. But I still think my husband will have to go to her if we want to try that because she just won't give up with me until she gets it. My fault, I'm sure. I've given it to her way too long, she expects it now. What do you do. I desperately want her to sleep at night. Not just because I want to sleep but because she's in SUCH a better mood the next day when she has a good night. Everything is SO much more fun. And I'm more fun too! I'm planning on setting a deadline. Maybe I need to set a deadline for myself. I will set a deadline by THIS date! :) I'll let you know how I do on that!
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