Kaelyn discovered the tupperware cupboard last night. I was trying to clean some dishes and put away supper stuff. I may have opened the cabinet. I may have set her in front of it. But I most certainly didn't help her pull things out of it! However, I DID let her! She was having a great time. She even took the cup that holds the measuring spoons with her when I was done cleaning and dropped a spoon here and there all about the house as I carried her upstairs to brush my teeth and then hers. We had quite a mess. And I'm sure we will have quite a mess again. And again. And again because she really enjoyed it! And why not, it was something safe to occupy her for awhile!
One of Kaelyn's favorite times of day is right before bedtime. Every night at about 7:45pm I strip all of her clothes off, diaper included and she runs free for awhile. Even if she's being crabby, once those clothes are off, she's a new girl! And a nude girl, huh! She just runs and plays and giggles. Sometimes she'll crawl into the kitchen to beat on a chair, sometimes she'll walk to her toy box and throw as many toys out as possible. Whatever it is, it's done in sheer joy. I'm not sure if it's beacuse she's naked or if she knows it's almost bedtime and is trying not to act tired! Either way, it's a great time for her and fun for us to watch too! Yes, things get tinkled on on occasion, but really not as much as you would think! She's must more apt to tinkle in the morning when she's running around nude in the bathroom as I get the bath ready. Must be the running water.
It's supposed to finally be nice this weekend! Though maybe rainy. My husband is busy on Saturday so I'm seriously considering a trip to the zoo. I don't know how much or for how long Kaelyn will ride in her stroller since it's been awhile since we've had much exposure to it. But the zoo has so many neat indoor areas. Last time we were there she just LOVED the aquarium. And the aquarium isn't far from the entrance so I thought maybe, just maybe, we could go to the zoo and get out of the stroller in the aquarium and she can crawl and walk around and explore for an hour or two. After her first nap, before lunch, it would help kill some time. I just hope since it's the weekend it's not too busy. I think this spring and summer we'll probably go to the zoo every week now that we have a membership!
Also this weekend we probably better look into getting Kaelyn's new bigger car seat installed in my car. She's overflowing the baby one. I remember reading the car seat straps are supposed to be AT the shoulders. Well, the ones in Kaelyn's car seat now are way BEHIND her shoulders. The carseat is supposed to be good up to 22 pounds and she's nearing that range as well. It's
just time! Plus, getting that baby car seat in and out of the car with a heavy baby in it is getting to be quite a challenge! I've been taking just her out more and more because it's easier. I will miss keeping her contained in the car seat right before we go somewhere. It gives me a few seconds to go to the bathroom before we leave. And it was nice keeping her in there to run into the post office or somewhere fast rather than unbuckling her and taking her out then having to immediately put her back in. But what do you do! She's a big girl now! So hopefully we can get the new seat in and hopefully she likes it! She'll ride backwards for another couple of months before we flip her around to the front, I suppose. She has to be a year old AND 20 pounds to ride facing front. She's 20 pounds now but not quite a year old.
I think the tupperware are calling, I guess we better go see what kind of a mess we can make today! :)
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