This picture shows her greatest fascination, her rubber ducky. We have many of them but this is the one that gets chewed on the most. It just happens to be the one we accidentally stole from the children's museum. I don't think we'll be returning it now. The eyes have been chewed off!
We had a success last night at dinner! I gave Kaelyn a bite of hamburger and she ATE it!! She didn't push it away or spit it out, like normal, she ATE it! And then she reached for another bite! So I gave her a second bite and she ate that too! I was in awe. The third bite got pushed away, but two bites is awesome, way more than she's ever been willing to try before!
Another fun incident from last night, and, I might mention, Sean won't appreciate me sharing this story, but oh well! :) Kaelyn has gotten more and more into petting the cat (who Sean doesn't appreciate either!) and she was petting him last night. Sean got home and she grabbed his finger and started dragging. When she wants you to go somewhere or do something she'll grab your finger and take you wherever. When you arrive at the destination she intended and she wants you to do something (like sit down) she'll drag your hand to the place she wants you to sit and let go. She may not talk yet, but she communicates! So anyways, she grabs Sean's finger, drags him across the room and pulls his hand down onto...the cat! She SO wanted him to pet Ollie! :) He didn't. She tried! :)
This weekend is a big test for me, mostly. We're headed back to my parents for Sean to have a couple of golf outings. I, however, have to introduce the group at a concert Saturday night. Rather than all of us wait to go over on Sunday Sean and Kaelyn are going Saturday afternoon and I'll go over on Sunday morning. It was my idea, but now that I think about it more, I don't like it anymore! :) That means I'll be without her all Saturday afternoon and night and Sunday morning. Sounds like a nice break, you think. Well, yes, it probably will be. I may even get to sleep ALL night! And get up WHENEVER I want Sunday morning! But BABY!!! She'll be gone!!! Can I handle it?! I know she'll be in good hands being with Sean and my parents and all, but still!! :) MY crazy head girl!!
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