Kaelyn had never been on the train and I was too chicken to try it alone. I figured, at least if she doesn't like it and screams the whole time, if I go with someone I know, ONE person will understand! :) I won't be totally alone in my endeavor! So we gave it a shot! While waiting at the train depot, Kaelyn was a little freaked by the train whistle but as soon as I picked her up she started waving to the train. So that was a good sign.
Once we were on the train we sat for probably a good ten minutes. She was restless for that and kept climbing on and off the bench. At the time it was no big deal but it made me worry about how she'd sit still during the ride! Once the train took off I pulled her up into my lap and there she sat! She wasn't exactly giggling with joy but she didn't scream either, so I was happy! I think she kind of liked the wind in her hair. She just cuddled up on my lap and watched the zoo go by! I deem the first train ride at the zoo a success!
However, I wasn't able to get Kaelyn to eat any lunch and I think she has a tiny fever. I see a few little crevices in her mouth on BOTH sides so I'm thinking...MOLARS! I've heard kids can get little fevers and don't always want to eat when their teeth are coming in. She was really tired on the train. That's probably why she was so cuddly and didn't care if she was on it or not! It was really hard to make it home without her falling asleep but I sang and sang real loud so we made it. I tried to get her to eat again without any luck. She was practically falling asleep in the high chair, even. VERY unlike her. So I gave up and let her go to bed for her nap about 45 minutes earlier than normal. I'm now hoping for a longer nap so we don't throw the rest of our day off! Time will tell!
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